Wednesday, October 10, 2007

NY Anger Training

Hi, I am Kenia Maldonado and I am the Founder of NY Anger Training, LLC.

I've created this blog to answer some of your personal questions you may have about anger management, mediation or supervised visitation...Don't be shy no question is a stupid question. In fact, this site was built for the purpose of socializing and networking so that we can learn from one another. Here are a couple of questions that I've been asked. Feel free to answer if you have any input.

1. What are my rights as a father?

2. Supervised Visitation- why bother?

3. Anger Management- Why do I need it?

4. Mediation- What are the benefits?

New Post 10/14/2007

What is the Baby Mother/Baby Father Syndrome?

I'm not really sure if there is a dictionary definition for this term but I sure know it exist. It has become quite obvious within the last couple of years and it has got to stop. A baby mother or "my child's mother" is a term that is used very loosely in our communities and it usually comes around the time when 2 parents are not seeing eye to eye. The same goes for baby father or "my child's father". Some people find the term to be disrespectful while others think it's just plain cute but however you choose to be referred is your choice but the syndrome has to become extinct. Why? Well, why should you just be a baby mother or father? It's hard to raise a child in America (well in the world, period)- it takes a lot of dedication, patience, time and communication. When only one parent is doing all of the above it becomes frustrating, stressful and confusing. So why should you have to suffer and GO IT ALONE. It took 2 of you to make the baby so it should take 2 of you to raise the baby. Furthermore, your child deserves more than a part-time parenting situation from the opposite parent. Whatever issues you 2 parents have should not affect the child because after all he/she did not ask to be in this situation. This is why mediation is important because some communication is better than none. Would you agree? If he/she gets to hear your side of the story with a third party who is impartial than there will be less confusion and more communication- hopefully everyone can be happy at the end of the day. If you need my help just call me (212) 491-9816 or email: . Let's do this together! Let's start a discussion group and get rid of the baby mother/father syndrome today!